ESPOO notifikacija Bugarska
Dear Minister,
Pursuant to the provisions of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (the ESPOO Convention), please be informed that the company „Bosil-metal“ – Bosilegrad, as a project developer, has submitted Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the project of the opening of mines for the exploitation of Pb, Zn and Cu ore from the ore beds "PODVIROVI" and "POPOVICA" within the area of Karamanica near Bosilegrad, the construction of a flotation facility for ore concentration with auxiliary facilities and the construction of a flotation tailings pond, to the competent Serbian authority, i.e., the Ministry of environmental protection.
In your response ref.no.OBOC - 68 from 26 August 2021 you mentioned that Republic of Bulgaria will participate in the transboundary EIA procedure according to the Espoo Convention for this project.
In accordance with Art. 3 of the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context (ESPOO), the Environmental Impact Assessment Report in Bulgarian language is publicly available on the official website of the Ministry of environmental protection https://www.ekologija.gov.rs/obavestenja/procena-uticaja-na-zivotnu-sredinu/strateska-procena-uticaja-na-zivotnu-sredinu/notifikacija-za-espoo-konvenciju/-studija-procene-uticaja-na-zivotnu-sredinu-za-projekat
After finishing of the consultation process with the public concerned and Bulgarian authorities regarding the Environemntal Impact Aassessment Study, would you be so kind to send us at your earliest convenience, however, no later than 4 weeks from the day of the receipt of this notification, the comments provided by the Bulgarian authorities, no later than 15 June 2024.
Pursuant to the Serbian Law on Environmental Impact Assessment, the public hearing in Bosilegrad municipality will scheduled for 5 June 2024, regarding Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the project